Your photos: 10x lighter with no visible quality loss
NanoJPG uses computer vision to smart-compress your photos. Your photos become much lighter and lose no visible quality. Your photos stay 100% compatible with the JPG format.
How to use NanoJPG?
It’s super easy: drag and drop your photos into NanoJPG (or select full folders or even drives!), click on “Compress” and in a few seconds your photos are 5x to 10x lighter!
NanoJPG is a software for Windows and Mac.
Why use NanoJPG?
NanoJPG uses computer vision to determine the optimal compression level for each of your photos.
The optimal level is the compression level at which there is no visible degradation of your photos but maximum compression of their weight in KB. Typically you can expect your photos to be between 5 and 10x less heavy.
The benefits of lighter photos are:
- upload or email your photos to clients and family faster
- save storage space on your cloud accounts or hard drive
- use smaller / cheaper USB keys if you send your photos on USB sticks
- faster web site: display high quality photos that download fast
All photos created with NanoJPG are 100% compatible with the JPG format.
How does it work?
NanoJPG uses several advanced technologies to achieve maximum compression with no visible quality loss.
- NanoJPG analyzes each photo at many different compression levels and calculates the degradation at each compression level. It then compares these degradations with the human vision and finds the level at which the human eye sees absolutely no difference between the original photo and the compressed one. This level will be different for each photo.
- NanoJPG also applies lossless compression: some elements of the JPG file can be compressed with no loss (like a ZIP file can compress a text file without any losses). NanoJPG applies this second compression stage to all your photos for further gains.
In addition to the 2 compression stages NanoJPG will optionnally allow you to:
- reduce the size (in pixels) of your photos
- remove the metadata of your images
Example: reducing upload time for a wedding photographer
To transfer wedding photos to my clients I use a typical ADSL connexion (16 Mbits down / 1 Mbit up). My upload speed being limited to 1 Mbit, the max upload rate I can achieve is around 130 KB / s.
- Number of Photos to transfer : 1000
- Average weight per photo: 12,000 KB (around 12 MB)
- Total weight to transfer: 12 GB
Transfer time:
Thanks for NanoJPG I reduce my upload / transfer times from 25 hours 2:15 hours!
NanoJPG v3: the smartest photo compressor
- Precise: NanoJPG analyzes each of your photos to determine the optimal compression level
- 100% all cores: NanoJPG uses all cores / threads of your computer. No matter if you have a small laptop or a powerful station NanoJPG will make use of every last bit of power of your system
- Unlimited resolution: you are not limited to compressing photos of 12 MP or 60 MP. NanoJPG handles all file sizes and resolutions! We tested NanoJPG on a file of 700 million pixels and 1.2 GB!
- Best compression: NanoJPG has a double compression algorithm, stacking lossy but invisible to the eye compression and lossless compression
- Recursive: NanoJPG works for 1 or 1000 files, for a single folder or your whole drive and subfolders!
- Smart resizing: in addition to compressing, NanoJPG also can reduce the pixel size of your photos, including a special option to reduce size “in the largest dimension” (so you’re not limited to reducing only in height or length)
- Convenient: save your presets for quick use!
- TIF compatible: you can feed JPG or TIFF files to NanoJPG
- Lightroom integration: NanoJPG is integrated with Lightroom. You can export your files directly from Lightroom into NanoJPG
NanoJPG is available for Windows and Mac!
Check NanoJPG compression efficiency
Download my pack of 3 photos displayed above to compare the original quality with NanoJPG quality: you will see that despite a 10x compression level it’s quite impossible for the eye to see any difference.
Téléchargez le pack de 3 photos en qualité originale et en qualité NanoJPG
What’s new in NanoJPG V3
We listen to all your feedback and improve NanoJPG continusouly. The core of NanoJPG remains the smart compression at no visible quality loss. But we’ve added a lot of requested features:
Smart control panel
Quick access to all features!
Add your signature or dynamic watermark on your photos
We added smart tokens to the classic watermark feature: you can for instance add the name of the file, the date of creation or the current year…
Save all your settings in presets
1-click access to your saved presets!
Fully integrated with Lightroom 6 and Lightroom CC Classic
You can send all your exported Lightroom photos directly to NanoJPG: export from Lightroom at 100 quality or TIF and obtain the optimal compression in NanoJPG!
Each NanoJPG licence is usable on 2 machines
Each NanoJPG licence is linked to a single person or company but you can install it on 2 machines at the same time: for instance on your laptop and workstation.
NanoJPG is compatible Windows 7/8/10 and Mac OS-X (starting version 10.10)
Please note that Lightroom integration requires Lightroom 6 (upgraded to its latest edition) or Lightroom CC Classic.

Alain C.
I tried NanoJPG on a bunch of photos from Ireland: the result is perfectly within product specifications with savings of 90% weight with no visible quality loss. I’m really happy about my purchase.

André F
I just purchased NanoJPG: super efficient, no visible difference on my screen (ViewSonic Vs14703-27″)! I printed a 10x15cm photo from a NanoJPG file: fantastic result!

Michel B
The conversion is just magic and I won’t be able to do without NanoJPG! Thank you again for a fantastic product that I will recommend!

Bernard L
NanoJPG is really top notch: the time savings to send quality photos or to upload them to my flickr account… Just perfect! Thanks!

Alain V
It does what it says on the tin: the compression is indeed as good as marketed. On screen I see absolutely no difference.

Pascal C
Yes, I’m super happy with this tool. I do photo transfers about once a week. I tried NanoJPG and my last batch went from 646 MB to 61 MB.
It’s really great: it’s going to save me a lot of time and avoid blocking my bandwidth.

Sebastien C
The quality is really there: excellent point. Up until now I was using xnview but I never knew to which compression % I could go to not destroy the image quality. With your tool I don’t even think about it: the compression is always the best. Great!

Philippe C
I was blown away by the quality after a 90% compression of a 13 MB photo. The tool really holds its promises.

Richard P
Your NanoJPG is great: I have 15 weddings this year to upload to my site and NanoJPG will really help me. Also for my clients who download digital files: easier and faster with no quality loss.

Didier V
I find NanoJPG great and super easy to use. I recommend it.

Michel H
I already used NanoJPG on hundreds of photos and the result is perfect.
I also used it directly on Dropbox folders that I share with my family: I saved a huge amount of space.

Sylvain G
Fantastic software.
I was using Faststone image to compress my photos. But NanoJPG is much better.

Mark W
Unbeliveable! And I use the word lightly!

Michel B
Impressive compression efficiency. I tested it on over 1000 jogging photos that I had to upload. What a great time saver: no need to let the computer run all night. Great buy that: highly recommended.

Raymond N
The product is fast. I like it a lot. It keeps its promise for the quality.

Patrick B
I am a wedding photographer. In a sentence: superb software. It runs with a few clicks and answers all my needs perfectly.

Gino N
This was the software I was waiting for. I use a Nikon D810 that generates quite heavy JPEGs. This software will allow me to quickly transfer all my photo.
Simply splendid.
Fast and functional, for a reasonable price with very detailed explanations / guide.

Patrick R
This application is easy to use, fast and with a very convincing result.
So much time saved to transfer my photos to my clients.

Dirk V
Everything works perfectly

Jack J
Even with my 87 years old I find it great to lighten all the photos we all store!

Christian V
Another great program you are making available. As usual with your explanations it was really easy for me to install and use. At this price point I really did not hesistate!
Satisfied or your money back!
I am absolutely convinced that NanoJPG will play a key role in your workflow.
If you are not happy with NanoJPG you have a 7 day money back guarantee: contact me and I will cancel the sale, no questions asked!
Please note that the money back guarantee is only possible if you purchased NanoJPG as an individual product and not part of a bundle.
NanoJPG is compatible:
- Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 bit versions)
- Mac OS 10.9 and above (tested on 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12 and 10.13)
- For the optional Lightroom integration you will require Lightroom 6 or Lightroom CC Classic.
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